from small one page howto to huge articles all in one place
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Last additions:
May 25th. 2007:
April, 26th. 2006:
| You are here: System->Browser plugins
A new Search extension for Mozilla/Netscape/Firefox
for the search box in the right top of your browser window.
Note: unless there is a fix from the mozilla developers,
you need to make the directory /usr/lib/MozillaFirwfox/searchplugins writeable for your user.
Install Search into your browserFor adding a quicksearch to Konqueror do the following:
Go to Settings->Configure Konqueror->Web Shortcuts
Click on "New"
Search provider name: Linux Howtos
Search URI:\{@}
URI shortcuts: lhto (or whatever you like :} )
Enter lhto:Konqueror
and you should see this page.